Sunday, July 12, 2015

Marjorie Bard Responds to Stalker Matt Berdyck (April 2015)

Marjorie Bard Responds to Matthew Berdyck's Libel (April 2015)

Matthew Berdyck is currently libeling Marjorie Bard, Ph.D. with charges Monsanto has paid her to be a "spy" to ruin his "filmmaking career." This is a felony, and by stating Monsanto is acting against the law, Matt is also libeling Monsanto as committing an illegal act. No one ruined Matt's career(s) but Matt. He makes enemies wherever he goes and then stalks them with lies.

Further, Matt states that the nonprofit org I founded is a stolen EIN# from a nonprofit he found listed in San Jose, CA. The name and address of the woman he found was a Board member in 1991 of Women Organized Against Homelessness, the 501(c)3 nonprofit I founded. Her name was properly listed as the Board member (Treasurer) who should be contacted by the Sec. of State for updating purposes. That treasurer moved years ago and was replaced! 

Matt can't admit he has proof of my existence and nonprofit org status as current CEO; it gives him nothing else to find as "dirt" about me. He has tried many times and failed; there isn't any "dirt."  He even put an ad in Craigslist to do just that and failed. There are only truths about my existence and work with the homeless on Google listings. Matt's ego can't take truths about his stalking victims.

What to do with such an evil serial stalker? He needs to be found and arrested for a variety of felonies and sent to prison for (e.g.) malicious defamation of character/profession and internet crimes. He is nationally famous for intentional malice and attempting to ruin reputations. He has criminal and civil records in OH and WV, been arrested and jailed, and continues to commit internet crimes. By remaining homeless or traveling, he avoids the FBI -- which has had his file for years. Matt libels other innocent people as well, but they either move away, change their names, or close their blogs to become anonymous.

I seem to be the only one with the guts to get this vicious stalker out of society. Isn't it ludicrous the only person in Matt's repertoire of victims who continues to fight against this serial stalker is an old woman? Matt is furious that anyone should object to his libelous blogs and comments. He is a coward, for he is afraid to openly libel men whose secret lives he reveals and then deletes quickly. He knows what a healthy man will do to him, so he reveals and then, personally satisfied, deletes. However, several people have screencapped all of his lies/libel, and they will be introduced in a federal court for felonies.

Matt had an accomplice: Jody Williams of "Sex Workers Anonymous" in Las Vegas, NV. First an ally of Matt's, she ran afoul of his purposes and they ended up in court in Utah. Matt has since been insisting I am the one who extorted money from him. He's a liar; I've never been in Utah or any court nor have extorted money from anyone! He even wrote I extorted $600 from him on the Google+Help Forum. There is no extent to which he will go to defame my character. If any victim of his stalking dares to deny his lies, he has been known to break into a woman's house with the intent to harm. She had an Emergency DV Protective Order against him at the time for stalking by phone and in person.

Someone has to be active in obtaining the arrest and conviction of Matthew Berdyck (alias Kane, Smith, Jones, Em Kay, Matt Films, etc.). I guess an elderly lady has to be the only victim with the guts of Rambo....

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Marjorie Bard Homeless Self-Sufficiency Project


Alternative Housing May Be For You!

Read these stories of how others have found an alternative housing solution and are creating their own businesses.

Type in my name on Google and find The Undetectable Homeless E-Documentary I filmed for years as I traveled the country. Some stories and photos are included as Cyberlogs on The exact URL is: 

Sometimes life just doesn't work out as you deserve and expect. If you are reading this and think you may lose your job and home, 
Read about others who have experienced the unexpected and have chosen not to go to missions or shelters and have tried a self-sufficiency lifestyle. My "60 Minutes" segment with Lesley Stahl is timeless; it shows me walking through some steps for Lesley as she asked for examples of how to find freebies necessary to becoming self-sufficient.

You have nothing to lose by reading about the undetectable homeless and their unique lifestyle.